April 05, 2012

Query To Check Tablespace Size

If you in the middle condition that you can't use OEM or TOAD to check tablespace size you can use this query to check it

# Query to check table space size #

select df.tablespace_name "Tablespace",
       totalusedspace "Used MB",
       (df.totalspace - tu.totalusedspace) "Free MB",
       df.totalspace "Total MB",
       round(100 * ( (df.totalspace - tu.totalusedspace)/ df.totalspace)) "Pct. Free"
from  (select tablespace_name, 
               round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) TotalSpace
       from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) df,
      (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024)) totalusedspace, 
       from dba_segments group by tablespace_name) tu
where df.tablespace_name = tu.tablespace_name ;

# Query to find mount point location #

set pagesize 100

column file_name format a32
column tablespace_name format a15
column status format a3 trunc
column t format 999,999.000 heading "Total MB"
column a format a4 heading "Aext"
column p format 990.00 heading "% Free"

SELECT df.file_name,df.tablespace_name,df. status,(df.bytes/1024000) t,
       (fs.s/df.bytes*100) p, decode (ae.y,1,'YES','NO') a
FROM dba_data_files df,
     (SELECT file_id,SUM(bytes) s
      FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY file_id) fs,
     (SELECT file#, 1 y FROM sys.filext$ GROUP BY file#) ae
      WHERE df.file_id = fs.file_id
            AND ae.file#(+) = df.file_id
      ORDER BY df.tablespace_name, df.file_id;

column file_name clear
column tablespace_name clear
column status clear
column t clear
column a clear
column p clear
title off

Enjoy Sharing.. :)

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