March 02, 2010

How To Shrink / Trunked Database Log on SQL Server 2008

In this occation i want to share my experience as a beginner developer how to Shrinked or Trunked Database Log on SQL server 2008

I Found this script from my best friend that is Mr. Bernerd (Thanks to him), and i thought this is the simplest way to trunked your database log, Ok without to much bull shit..

Try it :
first of all we have to know the Database_Name and the DAtaBase_LogName and i already give you the command to get that "select * from sys.database_files", after that than you can run this script

USE [Database_Name]
Alter Database Database_Name Set Recovery Simple
Alter Database Database_Name Set Recovery Full
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('DAtaBase_LogName', 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('DAtaBase_LogName', 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('DAtaBase_LogName', 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('DAtaBase_LogName', 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('DAtaBase_LogName', 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE ('DAtaBase_LogName', 1)


March 01, 2010

9 Tips to Manage Blackberry Internal Memory

One of disadvantage of BlackBerry was that we can not install any application on the Media Card unless wearing Aerize Card Loader application. Therefore, we have to manage our BlackBerry's internal memory well. Here are some tips to manage blackberries memory:

1. Remove (delete) all un-important messages, either email or sms / mms. Email with large attachments better try to read only through the PC.

2. Remove (delete) browser cache. Here's how: open the browser, click the menu (BB logo), click options, click Cache operations, click clear history.

3. Close all unnecessary conversations in BB messenger, YM, GT, MSN, and others.

4. Remove (delete) cache on FB application. Here's how: open FB, click the menu (BB logo), click options, click clear cache.

5. Remove (delete) all missed calls. Here's how: open the "messages", click the menu (logo BB), click the folder view, click the missed calls, click the menu, click delete prior.

6. Remove (delete) phone call logs. Here's how: open the "messages", click the menu, click the folder view, click the phone call logs, click the menu, click delete prior.

7. Remove (delete) event log. How: from the Home Screen hold down Alt, then click LGLG letter, then press the menu (BB logo), click clear log.

8. Clean the temp memory. Here's how: open the "options", click on security options, click cleaning memory, click the menu (BB logo), click clean now, click save.

9. Perform Soft Reset. Here's how: press Alt - shift (aA) right - del at the same time, hold approximately 3 seconds (until the screen dead)

Source from